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Glass Filtration Media


Aquatech Filtration Glass is an environmentally friendly and cost effective filter media that provides a viable alternative to sand. Made from recycled glass, it doesn't involve intrusive mining and the use of scarce resources.  Glass Filtration Media doesn’t degrade therefore has a longer life span and may not need changing even when the filters are due for refurbishment.


Aquatech Filtration Media is less susceptible to bio-fouling as, unlike silica sand glass particles have a smoother surface, so bacteria cannot get trapped in any cracks or flaws, which means less remedial action and again less chemical treatment to destroy pollutants.


A sophisticated production process turns old glassware into a safe and effective filter media. The glass is processed through a glass on glass crusher producing a sub-angular particle very similar to implosion, it is then tumbled twice to take off the edges rendering it sharp free.  


Aquatech Filtration Media removes 30% more material and pollutants than sand, so saving on backwashing and the resultant water, energy and chemical treatment costs


Aquatech Filtration Media is less susceptible to bio-fouling. As the product is heat treated surfaces are smooth, so requiring less remedial action and again less chemical treatment to kill pollutants


Aquatech Filtration Media is less dense than sand, requiring 20% less media to fill the equivalent filter


Aquatech Glass media doesn’t degrade and therefore has a longer life span



Please call for further details



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